A Down And Dirty Guide To Growing Orchids In A Greenhouse

Growing orchids in a greenhouse can be tough, but it’s well worth the effort. Orchids bring exotic beauty to any space, yet they have specific needs that must be met. This guide will show you how to create the right conditions for an orchid greenhouse so they not only survive but thrive.

Let’s grow some stunning blooms! 🌷

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Key Conditions for Growing Orchids in a Greenhouse

Light and temperature requirements are crucial for orchid growth, as well as using the proper potting mix. Adequate watering and feeding, along with pruning and pest control, are also essential for healthy orchids in a greenhouse.

But let’s get the basics of orchid care out of the way.

Light and temperature requirements

Orchids thrive in bright, indirect light which mirrors their natural canopy habitats. Position them where they’ll receive morning sun and partial afternoon shade to prevent leaf burn.

Most orchid species prefer temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. At night, a drop of about 10-15 degrees helps stimulate flower buds.

orchid greenhouse

Keep an eye on your greenhouse thermometer to maintain this delicate balance. Ensure you have proper ventilation for the warmer days and heating systems ready for cooler nights. Orchids can suffer from too much heat or cold; consistent monitoring is key to cultivating healthy blooms in a greenhouse environment.

Proper potting mix

Shifting focus from light and temperature, the right potting mix is just as crucial for your orchids’ health. A good blend will support your plant’s roots while allowing air to circulate and water to drain properly.

Avoid using regular garden soil; it’s too dense for orchids which need a special mix to thrive in a greenhouse environment.

Select or create a mixture specifically designed for orchids, typically containing bark, perlite, and charcoal. These ingredients replicate the natural conditions where orchids grow in the wild—attached to trees with their roots exposed to air.

Here’s great potting mix: Perfect Plants Orchid Potting Mix

orchid greenhouse

Where To Buy: Amazon

Specs & Features:
– Made with Charcoal, Sponge Rock, Pine Bark, Coconut Chips

– Net volume of 8 dry quarts

– Specially made for orchids

Perfect Plants Orchid Potting Mix offers an all-natural blend of Charcoal, Sponge Rock, Pine Bark, and Coconut Chips, designed to support the unique growth habits of orchids. This special mix ensures proper root development by allowing roots to climb and expand freely, promoting maximum nutrient absorption. It’s expertly crafted to prevent compaction, ensuring adequate aeration and drainage, critical for orchid health as they require less frequent watering but can’t stand too much water. Packaged in a heavy-duty, re-sealable bag, it’s perfect for orchid enthusiasts looking for a mix that supports vibrant growth in a greenhouse setting, making it an amazing choice for your orchid plants.

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Ensure that you repot your plants every couple of years or when the potting medium starts breaking down; this keeps nutrients fresh and prevents root diseases common in indoor orchid cultivation.

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Adequate watering and feeding

Orchids in a greenhouse thrive with regular, appropriate watering and feeding. It’s essential to mimic their natural moist environment without drowning the roots. Use room temperature water early in the day so leaves dry by night-time, which helps ward off fungal infections.

Water your orchids every 5-7 days, allowing the potting medium to partially dry out between waterings.

Orchid roots need time to breathe between watering’s, so let the potting medium nearly dry out before adding more water.

Feeding orchids is just as important as watering them but requires restraint. Too much fertilizer can harm these delicate plants. Stick to a balanced orchid-specific fertilizer and apply at half-strength every other week during active growth periods.

This routine provides the nutrients they need for robust growth and spectacular blooms without causing damage from overfeeding. Always follow the instructions on your fertilizer package for best results.

You can use plant food mist to water them.

Recommendation: Miracle-Gro Plant Food Mist

Where To Buy: Amazon

Specs & Features:
– Mist provides nutrients and moisture for your orchids.

– 6 Pack

– Each bottle includes 236 ml

orchid greenhouse

Miracle-Gro Ready-To-Use Orchid Plant Food Mist is your go-to for instantly providing your orchids with the essential nutrients and moisture they crave. This 8 oz. liquid miracle, perfect for greenhouse enthusiasts, makes feeding your orchids a breeze. Just a quick spray on the leaves, roots, and growing media once a week, apart from your regular watering routine, ensures your orchids are well-nourished without harming the flowers. Its ease of use and immediate effect make growing vibrant, beautiful orchids simpler than ever. Dive into a hassle-free way of keeping your greenhouse orchids thriving with Miracle-Gro’s orchid food mist.

Check Price ➡️ Amazon

Pruning and pest control

When pruning orchids, only use a clean and sharp pair of orchid scissors to remove any dead or yellowing leaves. Trim any damaged or rotting roots to promote healthy growth.

  1. Regularly inspect the orchids for signs of pests such as aphids, mealybugs, or spider mites. Use an organic insecticidal soap or neem oil to control these pests effectively without harming the plants.

  2. Trim any infected or damaged parts of the plant and dispose of them properly to prevent the spread of diseases.

  3. Clean the greenhouse regularly to remove debris and dust that may harbor pests and diseases, thus preventing infestations and infections in your orchid collection.

  4. Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings to keep pest populations in check without using chemical pesticides.

  5. Maintain good air circulation by strategically placing fans in the greenhouse to deter pests and diseases from settling on your orchids.

Choosing the Right Orchid Greenhouse

Selecting the ideal size and structure, ensuring proper ventilation and humidity control, setting up elevated benches for air flow, and having heating and cooling options are all crucial factors to consider when creating the perfect environment for growing orchids in a greenhouse.

Bit first – what is the best greenhouse for orchids?

Ideal size and structure

Selecting the ideal size and structure for your orchid greenhouse is crucial for creating a suitable environment. A medium-sized greenhouse with proper ventilation and humidity control works well for most orchid species.

Opt for a structure that allows sufficient air circulation, avoiding small, enclosed spaces. Elevated benches help promote good airflow around the plants, preventing stagnant air pockets.

It’s important to consider the space needed for your collection of orchids to thrive. Now, let’s move on to exploring ventilation and humidity control within the greenhouse.

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Recommendation: Palram Canopia Greenhouse

orchid greenhouse

Where To Buy: Amazon

Features & Specs
– Size of 6′ x 10′ x 7′

– Polycarbonate Greenhouse Kit

– Weight of 99 lbs

The Palram Canopia Greenhouse Kit is a dream come true for orchid enthusiasts looking to create the perfect environment in their greenhouse. With its forest green, heavy-duty aluminum frame and lockable French doors, this 6′ x 10′ walk-in provides a balance of protection and light. The twin-wall polycarbonate roof keeps out harsh sunlight, while clear wall panels ensure over 90% light transmission, ideal for orchids. Easy DIY setup, UV protection, and thoughtful features like a built-in gutter and adjustable vent make it a reliable, maintenance-free haven for your orchids to thrive, ensuring they get just the right amount of sunlight and fresh air.

Check Price ➡️ Amazon

If this is a little too extravagant for you then you can see some great success with something smaller like this:

Recommendation: Palram Lean-To Greenhouse

Where To Buy: Amazon

Key Features:
– 4’x 8′ in size

– 4mm twin polycarbonate wall that blocks up 99% of UV rays and eliminates plant burn

– Kit includes adjustable roof vent, rain gutters, lockable hinged door with magnetic catch, aluminum frame, polycarbonate panels and a galvanized steel base

orchid greenhouse

The Palram – Canopia Hybrid Lean-to Greenhouse, with its sleek silver design, is a compact 4′ x 8′ solution that offers orchid lovers a safe haven for their plants. Its roof panels block 99.9% of harmful UV rays, ensuring your orchids are protected from plant burn while diffusing sunlight to prevent shade areas. The crystal-clear side panels allow 90% light transmission, bathing your orchids in just the right amount of light. Constructed with a rust-resistant aluminum frame and durable polycarbonate panels, this greenhouse is built to withstand harsh weather, making it an ideal, maintenance-free choice for growing vibrant, healthy orchids.

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Ventilation and humidity control

To create an optimal environment for orchids in a greenhouse, it’s crucial to prioritize ventilation and humidity control. Regular air circulation is essential for preventing stagnant, humid conditions that can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Adjustable vents or fans can help maintain proper airflow while controlling the buildup of excess moisture. Additionally, monitoring and regulating humidity levels through misting or using a humidity tray with water and pebbles can mimic the damp environments orchids thrive in without risking over-saturation.

Here are some of the best solar fans for orchids:
6 Best Solar Greenhouse Fans In 2024

Maintaining consistent ventilation by regularly inspecting fans and vents can prevent heat from becoming trapped inside the greenhouse, leading to overheating. This ensures that orchids are exposed to ideal ambient temperatures conducive to healthy growth while minimizing the risk of fungal diseases caused by excessive warmth and moisture.

Elevated benches for air flow

To maximize air circulation in your orchid greenhouse, consider using elevated benches. By raising your plants off the ground, you can promote better airflow around and underneath each plant.

This helps prevent stagnant air pockets, reduces the risk of mold and mildew, and discourages pests from taking up residence. Elevated benches also make it easier to tend to your orchids, allowing for better visibility and access during watering, feeding, and maintenance.

Additionally, these benches can aid in temperature regulation by providing improved air circulation around the plants.

Here are some beautiful benches that you can consider:
6 Beautiful Potting Benches To Buy For Your Greenhouse In 2024

Heating and cooling options

Now let’s delve into the crucial aspect of maintaining the right temperature within your greenhouse to ensure an optimal growing environment for your orchids:

  1. Install a thermostat-controlled heating system to maintain a consistent temperature during cooler months, keeping it between 60-70°F for most orchid varieties.

  2. Consider using a fan or circulation system to prevent hot spots and maintain even temperatures during warmer periods.

  3. Explore evaporative cooling methods, such as misting systems or shade cloths, to manage humidity and reduce excessive heat.

  4. Implement insulation in the greenhouse structure to regulate temperatures and reduce energy costs.

  5. Utilize natural ventilation through adjustable vents, louvers, or roof windows to promote air circulation and prevent overheating.
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Common Issues and Care

Preventing pests and diseases is key to successful orchid cultivation in a greenhouse. Avoiding root rot and other issues will help your orchids thrive, while implementing tips for better blooms and providing proper winter care will keep them healthy year-round.

Preventing pests and diseases

To maintain healthy orchids in your greenhouse, it’s important to be proactive in preventing pests and diseases. Here are some effective strategies:

  • Inspect your orchids regularly for signs of pests such as aphids, spider mites, or mealybugs.

  • Use natural predators like ladybugs or predatory mites to control pest populations.

  • Maintain good air circulation in the greenhouse to discourage fungal diseases.
  • Remove dead leaves and flowers promptly to reduce the risk of mold and bacterial infections.

  • Clean pots and tools regularly to prevent the spread of disease between plants.

  • Quarantine new orchids before integrating them with your existing collection to prevent introducing pests or diseases.

  • Use organic insecticides and fungicides sparingly and only as a last resort to avoid harming beneficial insects or disrupting the natural balance in the greenhouse.

Tips for better blooms

To ensure better blooms on your orchids, follow these tips:

  • Provide ample light, ensuring that the orchids receive the right balance of sunlight and shade to encourage flowering.

  • Maintain consistent temperatures within the greenhouse, ensuring that it stays within the optimal range for your specific orchid species.
  • Use a high-quality fertilizer specifically formulated for orchids to promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

  • Prune spent flower spikes promptly to redirect energy into new blooms and growth.

  • Monitor humidity levels to ensure they are appropriate for your orchid variety, as this can strongly influence blooming.

Winter care

Adjust the greenhouse temperature to keep it between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, providing enough warmth without drying the air too much. Use a humidifier or misting system to maintain proper moisture levels, especially if the heating system causes dryness.

Keep an eye on your orchids for any signs of stress from cold drafts or inadequate insulation; make adjustments as needed to shield them from winter chill.

Incorporate additional layers of thermal blankets or row covers over your benches and plants during particularly frosty nights. Consider using portable heaters strategically placed around larger greenhouses for effective coverage.


Achieving success with orchids in a greenhouse demands attention to light, temperature, and ventilation. Proper potting mix and watering are critical for healthy root growth. Keeping pests at bay and regular pruning will help your orchids thrive.

With the right care, your exotic blooms will flourish in the perfect greenhouse environment!

Orchid Greenhouse FAQs

How much sunlight do orchids need in a greenhouse?

Orchids generally require about 12-14 hours of indirect sunlight daily to thrive.

What type of soil is best for growing orchids in a greenhouse?

A well-draining, porous orchid mix that allows air circulation around the roots is ideal for growing orchids in a greenhouse.

How often should I water my orchids in a greenhouse?

Water your orchids every 5-7 days, allowing the potting medium to partially dry out between waterings.

Can I use regular fertilizer on my greenhouse-grown orchids?

You can use a balanced and diluted fertilizer specifically formulated for orchids during the growing season.

What is the optimal temperature range for growing orchids in a greenhouse?

Maintain temperatures between 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C) during the day and allow slightly cooler temperatures at night for successful growth of orchids in a greenhouse.

orchid greenhouse
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Jason Watson

My initial goal was to protect my loved ones from harmful pesticides & help them enjoy nature more. Now, I want to tell as many people as I can about what I've learned... I hope that I can inspire you to help cool our planet with your own little slice of paradise 🌱. Let's do this together!

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